Crime & Prevention

Let us not try to sugarcoat the prevalence of crime in South Africa. The truth of the matter is that it is everywhere in every type of community and since the Police cannot possibly be everywhere, all of the time, we need to participate by becoming the first line of defense in the fight against crime, not by being vigilantes and putting ourselves in danger but to actively observe our surroundings and to report any suspicious activity. The fear and hopelessness that is experienced by so many people residing in South Africa as a result of crime is a thing of the past for the Salt Rock Neighbourhood Watch members. The Salt Rock Neighbourhood Watch (SRNW) is a highly successful scheme that has been in existence since 2002. We provide the infrastructure and platform to bring the community, local security companies and the Police together to protect our community. Our success relies on the participation of the Watch members and that is why we want you to join our team. Your willingness to look out for and report suspicious activity in our neighbourhood has the potential to not only reduce crime significantly but also to make our neighbourhoods, residents and visitors throughout our community feel more secure and less fearful.

We urge everyone and anyone living in Salt Rock, Sheffield and Umhlali to join forces with us so that we can become an even more powerful force to be reckoned with. The benefits to anyone joining the Watch are numerous. Read more…

Emergency Contact Information

In an emergency, every second counts, especially when you are trying to get help. It is therefore paramount that if the time comes and you need to phone for help, you don’t waste time looking for phone numbers or phoning the wrong person. In an emergency situation even a person with the best of memories may not remember critical phone numbers. Read more…

How Observant Are You?

Even though we often think of the police as being responsible for crime prevention we should all undertake this responsibility – especially since the police simply cannot be everywhere all the time, keeping our community and neighbourhood safe requires a collaborative effort. As residents and/or homeowners on the Dolphin Coast, we all share in the collective responsibility of keeping our community safe and the benefits of people working together greatly assist with crime prevention in general. We are the eyes and ears of our neighbourhood and as such we must always be vigilant and aware of what is happening around us. We also need to learn how to be good witnesses. How can you improve your skills of observation? Read more…

Personal Safety Tips

A number of personal safety tips are recommended to help you avoid dangerous situations. Your personal safety should be your top priority at all times as there’s no telling when you might fall into harm’s way. Read more…

Going On Holiday?

If anything can go wrong, it will go wrong while you’re on holiday; so says Murphy’s Law. A house or apartment left empty while its owners are traveling is a tempting target for criminals. We don’t want to scare you but it’s imperative that every traveler take certain key steps to keep his or her home safe and sound while seeing the world. Read more…

What Kind of Eyewitness Would You Be?

Experts in the fields of psychology and memory have described that memory is not “recorded” like a video to which we can refer back for details; instead memories are placed together by what we piece together. This idea was first produced by Sir Frederick Bartlett in his book entitled ‘Remembering’ (1932). Bartlett suggested that we store certain pieces of information and when it comes to trying to recall something, we reconstruct these pieces of information into a ‘meaningful whole’. This therefore results in eyewitness testimony to become inaccurate because other experiences shape the way we reconstruct our memory. Read more…