Personal Safety Tips

The following safety tips will help you avoid dangerous situations. Please remember that you personal safety should be your top priority at all times.

  • Know all emergency numbers by heart and keep a copy of emergency numbers next to the phone.
  • If in doubt about the safety of an area, phone a police station for advice.
  • Be aware of your surroundings and the people around you.
  • Try not to walk around remote places at night.
  • Locate points of help like of police and fire stations, public telephones, hospitals and restaurants, or stores that are open late.
  • Trust your instincts. If something or someone makes you uneasy, avoid the person or leave.
  • Inform people of your whereabouts.
  • Limit your trips at night or at least take someone along with you.
  • Watch out if people start milling around you. This could be a sign you are about to be robbed.
  • If a stranger wants to use your phone and you want to help, leave him/her outside and phone on his/her behalf.
  • Always appear calm and confident, and know where you are going.
  • Don’t resist, especially if the perpetrator has a weapon, give up your purse or valuables, with no questions asked and move away.
  • Before you go to bed, preset the police station’s telephone number on your telephone, all you have to do in an emergency is to push re-dial.
  • Do not wear extravagant jewellery in public.
  • Avoid carrying a large amount of money.
  • Carry a purse or bag close to your body, not dangling by the straps. Our personal safety tip would be to put a wallet in an inside coat or front trouser pocket not a back pocket.
  • Always carry your handbag in such a way that it will not be easy for someone to snatch it.
  • Avoid suspicious schemes.
  • Security lights are an important aspect in the prevention of theft and assault on both interior and exterior parts of a building, carports, stairs, alleys and patio’s.
  • Keep your firearms in a good quality safe.
  • Never leave your firearm unattended in a vehicle.
  • Avoid using laundry facilities in an apartment complex by yourself, especially at night time, team up with a neighbour or friend.
  • Don’t wear shoes or clothing that restrict your movements.
  • When leaving your house for long periods, don’t mention it on your answering machine.