Going on Holiday Security Checklist

  • Cancel newspaper deliveries.
  • Let your neighbours or neighbourhood watch members know that you are going to be away – do not advertise your absence extensively or unnecessarily. Just tell the people who you trust and who you know will not divulge this to anyone – not even inadvertently. Leave a set of keys with this person, so that they can get in, in case of an emergency. (Eg. Faulty security alarm or geyser )
  • Ask the person you have notified of your absence to:
    • Collect your post, especially to remove knock and drop newspapers that are the equivalent of a red flag indicating your absence.
    • Feed your dogs, cats, birds etc.
    • Water the plants
    • Walk around the outside of the house to ensure that everything is the way it should be. Windows closed, doors locked etc.
    • Observe the usual routines and to be aware of safety precautions if they are house-sitting
    • Ensure that the alarm is armed upon their departure.
  • Try to ensure that you replace all outside globes with day night sensors so that burning lights do not alert would-be intruders.
  • Buy a timer plug or two and connect a lamp to them so that they can be set to turn on and off at the “usual” times inside the house. You can even connect your television or radio to the timer plug so that the noise can trick the would-be intruders into thinking that someone is home.
  • Turn off the geyser.
  • Turn off any additional, non essential appliances. This is not only an energy saving exercise but it also prevents any faulty items from causing a fire. Remember to turn off all appliances and plugs that you know sometimes trip the lights.
  • Unplug items that may be damaged or are prone to damage through lightning strikes like computers.
  • Never leave keys under a mat or in a pot plant for friends to come and check on the house or to water the pot plants as this is an open invitation to burglars.
  • Lock the tool shed and garage. Burglars use the tools stored in there to force open doors and bend burglar bars open. Make sure the ladder is locked up too.
  • Put away any other tools or objects that can be used to force open doors or burglar guards. Eg axes, spades, picks etc.
  • Check that your alarm works and send a test to ensure that the signal goes through to your armed response company.
  • Do not advertise your absence by leaving messages on the answering machine to that effect, or by leaving notes on the door.
  • If you have a pre-paid electricity meter, ensure that there is enough electricity loaded for the time that you are away.
  • Lock interior doors to prevent burglars from gaining easy access into the rest of the house.
  • If your gate is operated by a mag lock that will disengage during a power failure, ensure that you lock the gate manually.
  • Notify your garden service company not to service your garden or instruct them on accordingly.
  • Make sure everything is locked.