Making a Difference (MAD) Domestic Watch Salt Rock

The Salt Rock Neighbourhood Watch (SRNW) is launching a brand new crime prevention initiative. The SRNW will be adopting the methodologies used in Gauteng by Penny Steyn’s MAD (Making a Difference) Domestic Watch programme where motivational lessons are used to teach domestic workers, gardeners and the residents/homeowners how to prevent crime and how to become informers without putting themselves in danger.

The programme has had great results in Gauteng and surveys have shown that crime has been radically reduced and in some suburbs non-existent due the effectiveness of the training. Community Police Forums, Residents Associations and the Police have independently all stated that crime has been considerably reduced because of the MAD programme running in their communities.

The first MAD Domestic Watch Salt Rock session will be held on Wednesday, 06 August at 10:00 at the Salt Rock Country Club and will last approximately 2 hours (Registration opens at 09:00) and is open to anyone and everyone. Participation is not dependant on employment status (full time or part time). Employers are also encouraged to attend, as this will allow you an opportunity to see how the sessions will be run first hand. You will probably have loads of fun and you may even learn a thing or two about crime prevention!

Future MAD Domestic Watch Salt Rock sessions will run on the first Wednesday of every month following the launch, effective September 2014. The venue and time will remain the same for all upcoming sessions and each session will be approximately one hour in duration.

Everyone is welcome to attend these fun, interactive and informative sessions. Refreshments will be served and the cost is R50.00 per person (Non SRNW Members) and R30.00 for SRNW members

Please contact Nathalie Struwe for bookings and registration: or phone 081 509 6885 for more information. You can also download the detailed MAD Domestic Watch Salt Rock Information Guide from our website.

We want to ensure that we get the word out so that we can fight crime using this safe, motivational and effective approach in our neighbourhoods. Once this initiative proves its worth we aim to offer the training to other neighbourhoods in and around Durban in the future. So please BRING A FRIEND!!

Let’s work together to MAKE A DIFFERENCE!